Tradesformers Liaison – Tim Manning, CME

What led you to become part of the Tradesformers program?

Tradesformers provided an excellent opportunity for me to share with students about the opportunities that are available in the masonry industry. Without masonry vocational classes in Pitt County, Tradesformers provides the conduit by which I can share that message.

How long have you been participating in this initiative?

We have been a part of Tradesformers for 3 years.

While in their apprenticeship, what will the student be doing?

Pre-apprentices with Manning Masonry, Inc. will have the opportunity to learn all facets of the industry. Typically, a student will start as an unskilled laborer but their ascent up the ladder is predicated by their desire, eager attitude, and work ethic. 

What opportunities do the apprentices have after they complete the program?

Each student has unlimited opportunity to train and learn the skills of the masonry trade. Upon completing the program, opportunities for advancement are readily available and a promising career in masonry is available to all.